Sunday, September 15, 2024

Industry 4.0: Modernize Your Processes - Thursday, October 3

 "FYI...if you've been curiouis about AI and machine learning, you should definitely attend this. Also, if you operate in the manufacturing space, this will be good for you to attend." - Patrick Edwards, Wyoming Business Council

This event is free! For tickets, visit:

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Riverton Downtowners: Parking Lot Clean Up Day - Saturday, August 17

SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 starting at 9:00 AM
We will have water and cold drinks.
The city has found the green paint we needed for the rails.
We're taking a count...please let us know if you are going to be there, and how many (I have heard from a few of you already).

Thank you! See you there...

Traci Cooper , President
Riverton Downtowners
413 E Main Street
Riverton Wy 82501
Stay Loyal Shop Local

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Riverton Downtowners: Parking lot update, first clean up date is August 17

The Riverton Downtowners are working closely with Mayor Tim Hancock, Kyle Butterfield and Brian Eggleston to get all the I's dotted and T's crossed. We are moving forward and everyone seems to be on board. Kyle, Brian and Mike Miller are working on an ordinance for overnight parking and camping. First reading will be this Tuesday, Aug. 6th in front of the City Council. There will be 3 readings.

There has also been a meeting with Police Chief Eric Hurtado.

The first Parking Lot Clean Up Day will be on Saturday, Aug 17th. I am not sure at this point if we will be painting the rails or not.  Please let us know if you would like to be part of the clean up as Teton residents are going to grill us hamburgers and hot dogs. 

The Downtowners have asked the city to remove the bushes and dead trees around the parking lot for safety.

There will be more news on the installation of cameras at a later time. However, one camera costs approximately $3,000.00.  They can be hooked up to the city cameras. Hopefully, we only need 2 to 3 to cover the parking lot. Brian is working on those, light bulbs throughout the city, and checking out the asphalt.

Any questions or if you know of any grants please let us know. Folks can donate by going to the Riverton Downtowner's website and clicking on "Donate" link.

Remember, The Riverton Fall Harvest Fest is Sept 28, let your family and friends know. We still have plenty vendor spaces. Visit for information and to sign up!

Thank you for all your support!

Traci Cooper
President, Riverton Downtowners Main Street Alliance
Stay Loyal Shop Local

Monday, June 24, 2024

Riverton Downtowners: Special Meeting on Thursday, June 27

Dear Riverton,

The Downtowners are having a meeting to discuss the City Parking lot located on N. Broadway and E. Fremont.

Thursday, June 27, 2014 at 6PM, Jerry’s Flowers and Things.

City of Riverton and Riverton Downtowners are teaming up.

Our Goals are:

  • Remove the abandoned vehicles

  • Better Lighting

  • Security Camera’s

  • All round clean up and sweep.

  • Paint the pipe fence and parking lines.

  • Repair Asphalt.

Come listen to our ideas, and comments.

Please bring some of your own.

Snacks and Beverages will be provided.


Traci Cooper, President

Riverton Downtowners
